
Pictures from the book signing!

The book came out today, and I spent all day personalizing
50 !!!!! books with the author at our book signing.  The book can be ordered at this website, and is an exciting children's book about spiders.  Here is the blurb on the book:

When Spider Fly...is the debut release for Shekinah Press. Author Herb Zabel and Illustrator John Cadenhead have teamed up to produce a children's picture book that provides an entertaining story with some important life lessons. "When Spiders Fly..." shows four sibling spiders who have all been given the same mysterious advice from their mother. The personalities of each spider affect their decisions and thus create some good examples of consequences from poor choices.

Enjoy these pictures of the signing, and don't forget, if you
want to order a copy yourself, click here.

When Spiders Fly...

"When Spiders Fly..." has now been shipped, and we have copies. If you know me personally, you can easily call me up or facebook me and let me know you want a copy. If you don't, you can order them HERE. Add in the info box that you were recommended by the illustrator and I get an extra percent of the profit, so please do that. And mention if you want it signed to anyone in particular, and I will draw a pic as well if you mention you want one. I'll post some images of the signing party after I get them all loaded. For now, here is a pic from the event:


Thor and the Missing Hammer

My new 'Zine, Thor and the Missing Hammer, is fresh off the printers. I haven't had a chance to get my horrible scanner to try and scan it, but I will tomorrow and will post pics.

ALSO: I will be at Wizard World Atlanta this weekend, walking around and hanging out with SCADers. (Probably spending a lot of time at the Temple of Cartoon Mojo). I will have copies of Thor with me, as well as Bullet-Bill Time, if you want one or more.

Meanwhile, here is a photo of the cover and an in depth look at the intricate folding process:



Random Dude with a big sword

My scanner yelled at me all day, and wouldn't obey any of my requests, so I don't have anything scanned to share.  But I am one page away from being done with my new comic.  (Plan is to finish it off tomorrow morn). 
I will have copies of the new comic with me at the Atlanta Wizards Comic Con thingy on Saturday, so you can get one from me then.  (Gonna go to Kinko's tomorrow to print them off). 
PS- The title of the comic: "Thor and the Missing Hammer!"  Get excited!
My book signing for my new book is Sunday, and this weekend I will put up some preview pages for you all. 
But for now, enjoy a random dude with a big sword (Which I have not gotten around to coloring):

Some newer art done on my iPad

Here are some images I drew more recently that I just remembered about.  These are some characters I am working a couple of short stories with.  I would have some more stuff of them done by now, but I got distracted with this Thor comic that I am hopefully finishing up tomorrow. 

I did every step of these pictures with an iPad program called "Brushes" where you use your finger to draw.  Pretty exciting!  Dean Trippe ecstatically told me about the program at Heroes Con last year. 


Something old to pass the time on

Here is a pic a drew a long time ago, but I don't think I ever put online.  Put up to pass the time.  Tomorrow I scan a lot, hopefully.  So then I will have more to show. 

When Spiders Fly...

When Spiders Fly..." is the name of the children's book I illustrated that is finally coming out on December 5th. If you are interested in procuring a copy, I will have a link to the website where you can as soon as it is set up. Here is are some pics to enjoy:


Hi guys

Haven't heard from me for a while?  Sorry. 
I'm working on a children's book right now, but its taking a lot of work, and right now I have almost next to nothing to show for it.  But I can give you this teaser image:

Yep.  It's about spiders.  I'll let you know when it is donezo, I promise. 

Also, I will be a Fluke in Athens this weekend, as a guest. 

And hopefully I will be turning this blog into something more productive oneday (soon).


The Torah, The Book of Numbers, Chapter 11, in comic form

This is a test to see how my new comic looks in the magic of the internet. But it is a test you can enjoy too, by just clicking on the images. Let me know how much you hate this comic, and how much it offends you! Here goes: